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Ba-bye clutter, hello clarity!

Hello Beauties - I’m Carmen.

By day, I’m a busy marketing director fueled by the hustle and bustle of modern living. By night, I’m a video creator, minimalist advocate and recovering shopaholic inspired by a life lived lightly. 

Sounds contrasting, right? hear me out. 

I used to be one helluva messy and chaotic gal. My home was cluttered. My closet was overflowing. And my daily routine was filled with too many products but not enough time. In a nutshell: I was an impulsive shopper and expert procrastinator overwhelmed by the consumption of life. The problem? My cluttered, chaotic space meant there was zero room to focus on the things that truly mattered - my passions, my career and my future goals. Then, just over three years ago, I decided to transform my life from messy to mindful by starting my journey as a minimalist. No possessions. No home. No overconsumption. Only me, myself and an intentional way of being.

Don’t get me wrong, the initial phase wasn’t a walk in the park. It’s tough letting go of the things that once filled my space and on some level, defined who I was. But, like all wonderful things in life, change takes time, perseverance and a sprinkle of sunshine for good measure. Now, I have ticked off all my goals, appreciate every item I own, and live a happy, light and purposeful life - free from the noise and burden of cluttered corners.

My purpose goes beyond achieving the chic, minimalist aesthetic on the Gram. Instead, I’m here to dig deep and get really clear on the areas of your life that need a top-bottom re-haul. Between your home, closet, routine and even relationships, I aim to inspire others to rid the clutter, lighten the load and create space for the simple things that bring the biggest joy. 

From my sparkly heart to yours, I hope through my channel of shared experiences, insights and resources, we can explore the essence (and gratifying benefits) of minimalism, while also finding a newfound sense of health and happiness, one less thing at a time. 

My minimalist YouTube-Channel

On my YouTube channel, I share tips, insights, and inspiration on how to live a more intentional, mindful life. Join me on this journey to discover new ways to simplify your life and find joy and purpose in each day.